Allen’s View Blog

Tuesday 3rd March 2020

The owl is now safely back where it belongs

Sunday 2nd February – snowdrops!

Sunday 19th January 2020 – WORKING PARTY

The weather looks like it’s going to be on our side so we are planning a working party from 1pm – 4pm up at Allen’s View.  Everyone welcome!

Sunday 8th September 2019

Harry Gardiner put two new notices up at the entrances to Allens View to replace the faded ones. To answer the “Who’s Allen?” questions we often get he has included the late Doreen Hammersley’s pastel portrait of Miss Allen from the Museum collection. Pleasant surprise to meet helper Nigel Davies and the lady now in Kingfishers up there.



Thursday 4th July 2019 – we have new benches

Mike Davies of Manorbier had a busy day installing the new benches he designed and made over the Winter months to replace those which were sadly destroyed in a devastating act of vandalism. They are absolutely beautiful – what do you think?



Wednesday 5th June 2019

With a mighty drum roll here’s the new water collector/feature designed and installed by our very own Howard Rawson-Humphries and Tudor Thomas – already filled to about 5 inches after yesterday’s downpour!


Saturday 1st June 2019 – 2pm – WORKING PARTY!

We are looking or volunteers to help turn some salvaged tanks and the remnants of our old shed into a 21st Century water catcher. If you can help we’d love to see you.

6th February 2019

The bulbs are just starting to flower up at Allen’s View – it’s looking great.



Provided by Harry for the executive committee meeting on 27th November 2018.

Here’s a link to the report.

WORKING PARTY 17/18 NOVEMBER 2018 10.30am

Harry is planning a working party for 17/18 November 2018. Please contact him if you are able to help.

Thank you.


Provided by Harry for the executive committee meeting on 9th October 2018.

As always volunteer numbers are falling and with some exciting projects coming up, do get in touch if you can help.

Here’s a link to the report.



The Phantom Bin-Filler of Allen’s View has tidily completely filled the top bin again as the enclosed photo taken the evening after the committee shows. We have gained a large clean green groundsheet. No sign of sleeping area in Allen’s View. Usual nicely bagged up but smelly contents in bin – cheap tinned tomatoes, but prosecco this time too !

The tree surgeon will be doing some branch removal on 20th June at Allen’s View, mostly medium term safety work. The tall grass there should be strimmed soon by Richard Read. Alf Heaven is concerned that the sticky weed ‘cleavers’ is multiplying fast up there ; a lot is still left despite his 3 hours of labour!



Spring flowers are starting to bloom up at Allen’s View – here’s what we found today.


Our dear old shed up at Allen’s View is on its last legs. After numerous incidents of vandalism we are unable to keep any tools in it BUT it does provide a useful source of water (running off the roof into our water butt) to keep our tender new planting alive in the dry spells.

When it finally falls over – and it surely won’t be long – does anyone have a good idea on how we can continue to collect water?

Please do GET IN TOUCH!


Harry was kind enough to give us a detailed tour of Allen’s View on 10th October before our committee meeting. It was a timely reminder of how beautiful it is up there…and the vast amount of work that is undertaken by Harry and his band of volunteers.


Doreen Mortimer has been kind enough to donate 200 genuine Tenby daffodil bulbs for Allen’s View.

We now need to get them planted so Harry Gardiner is organising planting parties on 5th and 8th October – please do get in touch if you can help.

Many thanks!


Sunday 17th September 2017 – WORKING PARTY

Harry Gardiner is organising a working party up at Allen’s View this Sunday 11am – 3pm. He has a lengthy ‘to do’ list so if you are able to help please use the GET IN TOUCH tab to let us know.

Many thanks.

8th September 2017

Job beautifully completed by Dan Badham – we think something very special has been added to Allen’s View and would love to hear what you think.

5.30pm 5th September 2017

Almost complete!


5th September 2017

Dan Badham starts work on the red kite tree sculpture






August 2017

Does anyone know the best way to attach bird boxes? The rubber strapping we have been using up at Allen’s View appears to be perishing (we have found a couple of our boxes on the floor) so need to get them re-fixed soon. If anyone can help us please use the GET IN TOUCH tab.

Many thanks.

July 2017

Serious vandalism has occurred overnight with ‘wild’ campers burning two of the donated hardwood benches. It seems the police were called but we are awaiting information from them and are currently wondering how to proceed – £2,000 of damage will leave a large hole in the Civic Society bank account.

14th June 2017

Harry Gardiner writes – “I have just installed the first of three information plaques at Allens View.  This one is about the trees.This one is sized to fit on a angled cut on a leylandi stump in the bottom glade.Richard Read has strimmed the grass and taken the second new picnic table up and installed it by the middle glade”